- 詳細內容
- 分類:Unity
- 發佈:2013-11-26, 週二 11:05
- 點擊數:2104
You now should have something that resembles a window.
Now that our UI has been set up in the previous step, let’s add few widgets: NGUI menu -> Create a Widget.
This wizard lets you create some of the basic widgets. You will need to select the atlas you will want to use, as well as the font. Since you are in a brand-new project, clicking the buttons won’t have much of an effect as they only show you recently used elements. What you will want to do is Drag & Drop the atlas and font you wish to use into the fields beside the buttons. Let’s choose the SciFi Atlas for the atlas, and SciFi Font – Normal for the font.
(維克:altas是很多小圖集合而成的一張大圖,而sprite是大圖裡面中的小圖,有人叫他精靈,當然它也是雪碧的名字 。)
現在我們的UI在上一步驟中已經建立好了。讓我們來加入一些小工具:NGUI menu -> Create a Widget.
上面這個精靈讓你夠建立一些基本的工具,你需要先選擇你想要使用的圖集(atlas),以及字型。因為你現在是在新的專案下,所以按下按鈕沒有啥用處,因為按鈕是用來顯示你最近使用過的圖集或是字型。你要做的是把你要用的圖集以及字型拖到按鈕旁邊框框內。讓我們選擇 SciFi Atlas來做為我們的圖集,以及SciFi Font – Normal做為字型。
UICamera script is a key component of every functional UI. It’s responsible for sending out NGUI events to the colliders of all objects drawn by that camera. If you have one camera in the scene, make sure it has UICamera script on it. If you have more than one, make sure that at least the camera that’s drawing the UI has it. Placing this script on your main camera used to draw your scene allows your in-game objects to receive all the OnClick, OnHover, OnDrag and other events as well.
UICamera 腳本是各種功能UI(使用者介面)的重要組件。他負責送出NGUI事件給所有由該攝影機所繪出物件的碰撞器。假如你場景中有一個攝影機,就要確定它有UICamera腳本在其中。假如你有多個的攝影機,要確定至少用來繪出UI的攝影機有這個腳本。把這個腳本放到你的主要攝影機中會讓你所有在遊戲中的物件也都能接受到OnClick, OnHover, OnDrag與其它的NGUI事件。